Name | Contact Type | Professional Business Type | General - Client Type | Company | Phone Number | Additional Phone Number | Address | Tags/Property of Interest | Contact Source | Website | Pipeline Status | Created At | Action | ||
{{ isset($contact['contact_type']) ? str_replace('_', ' ', $contact['contact_type']) : '' }} | {{-- Profassional bussihness type --}} {{-- Profassional bussihness type END --}} {{-- Gernal Client Type Start --}}
$assignTitle = explode(',', $contact['assign_title']);
$assignTitleCount = count($assignTitle);
@foreach ($assignTitle as $index => $title)
@if ($index < 2)
{{ $title }}
@if ($assignTitleCount > 2)
{{-- Gernal Client Type END --}}
{{ $contact['company'] }} | {{ $contact['cell_phone'] }} | {{ $contact['office_phone'] }} | {{ $contact['email'] }} | {{ trim(($contact['street'] ?? '') . ', ' . ($contact['city'] ?? '') . ', ' . ($contact['state'] ?? '') . ' ' . ($contact['zip'] ?? ''), ', ') }} | {{-- Tags/Property of intrest Start --}}
$tags = is_string($contact['tags'] ?? '') ? explode(',', $contact['tags']) : [];
$tagCount = count($tags);
@foreach ($tags as $index => $tag)
@if ($index < 2)
{{ ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strlen($tag) > 18 ? substr($tag, 0, 18) . '...' : $tag )) }}
@if ($tagCount > 2)
{{-- Tags/Property of intrest End --}}
{{-- Contact Source Start --}}
$sources = explode(',', $contact['contact_source']);
$sourceCount = count($sources);
@foreach ($sources as $index => $source)
@if ($index < 2)
{{ ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $source)) }}
@if ($sourceCount > 2)
{{-- Contact Source END --}}
{{ $contact['website'] }} | {{ $contact['conact_pipeline_status'] ?? '' }} | {{ $contact['created_at'] ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($contact['created_at'])->format('m-d-Y') : '' }} |