@props(['organizations' => []])

Organization OR LLC

@forelse ( $organizations as $index => $organization) @php $organizationName = str_replace('"', '', $organization['company_name']); @endphp
{{ __('Company Name') }}
{{ __('EIN/Corporate State ID') }}
@php // Helper function to ensure an array is always returned and remove extra quotes function ensureArray($value) { if (is_string($value)) { $decoded = json_decode($value, true); // If JSON, return decoded array; otherwise, remove extra quotes from the string and wrap in an array if (is_array($decoded)) { return array_map(fn($item) => trim($item, '"'), $decoded); } return [trim($value, '"')]; // Remove extra quotes if it's a plain string } return is_array($value) ? $value : [$value]; } // Decode JSON fields properly and remove extra quotes $names = ensureArray($organization['organization_name'] ?? []); $emails = ensureArray($organization['organization_email'] ?? []); $phones = ensureArray($organization['organization_phone'] ?? []); $authorized = ensureArray($organization['organization_authorized_to_sign'] ?? []); // Get the maximum count of the fields to ensure all rows display correctly $count = max(count($names), count($emails), count($phones), count($authorized)); @endphp @for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
{{ __('Name') }}
{{ __('Email') }}
{{ __('Phone') }}
@if ($i != 0) {{-- Hide the delete button for the first iteration because the user cannot delete the first member --}} @endif
@empty @endforelse
{{-- {{ dd($organization['lead_notes']); }} --}}